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Practical videos

Online Coaching

Life-enhancing videos: Kaat Jacobs shows you how to transform the obstacles in your life

From now on you’re able to enter a spectacular reality – at home. Kaat Jacobs guides you in designing your new life in which you are master of your own body and health. Go right to the core with the unique LIVE LOVE TECHNOLOGY and be amazed by the instant and profound transformation you’re about to experience.

Here’s a preview of what to expect :

Also be sure to check our FREE VIDEOS : they contain loads of life-changing and mind-blowing info on how to live empowered!

How it works

Choose which training video you would like to see and then share your fair price using the PayPal button at the bottom of the page.

You can also make a direct transfer onto IBAN BE19 9731 5794 2912 . Please add the title of the video and your e-mail address in the description. As soon as we receive your donation, we’ll send you a personal video-link. You’ll be able to watch the video as much as you like.

Basic exercises

We invite you to start with the first 3 videos with basic exercises. It is important that you become familiar with the LIVE LOVE TECHNOLOGY in order to gain sensational results when starting with the other videos.


In this video you discover everything about feeling the middle of your brain. This allows you to make optimum use of your brain and lets both sides co-operate in the most advantageous way. Your brain will start producing alpha-waves, making you feel alert, full of energy, and focused – the ultimate flow experience.


In this video you’ll experience what it’s like to divide your consciousness, allowing you to use both of your command-centres – thinking and feeling – in the most optimum and balanced way possible. This way your brain will never be the most dominant of the two again. This is key to effectively taking charge of your bodily system. We do recommend that you firstly watch our very first video (feeling techniques part I: feeling the middle of the brain) – it really is a vital step in the process of disconnecting thinking and feeling.


This video sheds light on the ‘feeling through’ technique. This technique holds the power to completely turn your life around: transform all of your traumas, and recreate your life to your most desired standards. We do recommend that you watch the first two videos (feeling techniques part I and II) prior to watching this one. Once you’ve practiced the feeling techniques, you can continue with this video.

New! Themed videos

1. Feeling through emotions

Get ready for some serious alchemy of emotions – this video will show you everything about feeling through your emotions. By applying this technique you can turn your whole life around: heal your traumas and recreate your life to your most desired standards. We do recommend that you watch the first 3 videos (feeling techniques part I and II, feeling through) prior to watching this one. Once you’ve practiced the feeling – and feeling through – techniques, you can continue with this video.

2. Feeling through pain

This video provides you with clear guidance on how to feel through pains. This technique lets you transform literally every kind of pain. The key ingredient in feeling through is focus. Train your ability to focus as much as possible – this means especially during your day to day life. When your ability to focus grows, your ability to feel through increases as well. Then you’ve got a super powerful inner tool at your disposal that makes you the captain of your ship.

3. Feeling through a headache

This video will totally change your take on the experience of headache. When you start applying the technique demonstrated by Kaat, headaches will definitely belong to the past.

4. Sugar addiction

This video will make you aware of the cause of sugar addiction. You’ll discover your own compensating behaviors and how to transform them.

5. Tobacco addiction

Discover in this video how you can easily quit smoking forever, without any medication or devices. Key is in transforming the true cause of your tobacco addiction in your subconscious. This addictive behaviour has to do with the short feeling of freedom that smoking a cigaret gives you. Free yourself from the strong unconscious feeling of limitation in your system and you’ll never ever feel the need to light a cigaret again. Super effective method, also for entrenched smokers.

6. Grounding

The energetic field of the body is supplied with energy from heaven and earth. In the most ideal situation this field extends itself about 1,5m downwards (below earth level). In the majority of people this isn’t the case, because they overstimulate, and over-energize, their mental capacity – depriving their feeling capacity of much needed energy. Because of all the thinking, visualization, reasoning, analyzing, fantasizing – both constructively and destructively – the energetic field gets ‘pulled up’, making you feel de-grounded. This has a detrimental effect on your manifestation capacities and makes the brain go in overdrive. On the physical level this translates into cold hands, feet and limbs. If you wish to get a grip on your body and life, then apply this extremely effective grounding exercise.

7. Burnout and CFS

Nowadays an increasing number of people experience their body as completely drained and fatigued. You possess the power to completely heal this. Watch this video and experience how you yourself are responsible for both the depleting and the refueling of your personal energy reserve.

Share your fair price

Please share your donation by clicking the button below: fill out the blank with the title of the video(s) you would like to watch, along with your e-mail address.

Or make a direct transfer onto IBAN BE19 9731 5794 2912 and make sure to let us know your name and e-mail address.

As soon as we receive your fair price, a personal video-link will be sent to you.