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Kom je Super Water afhalen tijdens onze openingsuren.

We offer 2 kinds of deeply cleansing water at our centre: Power Water and H2 Water. Water like nature intended it to be, containing the same vitality level present in fresh spring water… which gives you superpowers!

Bring your own glass or thick plastic bottles (please no PET as this water is so pure it can absorb plastic). Your bottles will then be filled by us.

On a fair price base.

Our Super Waters

Drinking this cleansing water equals drinking directly from a mountain well. Power Water provides for maximum power and energy. H2 Water (Hydrogen-rich Water) is made with Power Water, and therefore possesses the same cleansing and vitalising properties. Because of the addition of extra hydrogen this water becomes all-pervasive – permeating even the cells, so it is the most deep detoxer possible. It boosts the immune, cardio-vascular and digestive systems.

Not available in supermarkets, or even organic shops, the Live Love Inspiration*centre is the only place in Antwerp where you can get this water. Drop by for your dose of fresh Power Water.

Unique filtering system

We installed a Jungbrunnen 66-00 K filter at our centre: this high-end system’s filter replicates the whirlpool-like movement of water in nature. This way the purified water molecules are rearranged, creating a wonderful vitalising and energising effect that makes our Power Water so unique.

Overview of all Power Water qualities

– 100% purified:  of hormones, cocaine, chloride, medication,…
– vitalisation: active hydrogen molecules which hydrate the cells
– contains energy and life-force
– active biophotons: same chromatic spectrum as natural springwater
– contains all cell salts necessary for health and growth
– enhances absorption of vitamins, minerals and nutrients
– a refreshingly pure and smooth taste
– highly beneficial to the wellbeing of babies, plants and animals

In order to produce H2 Water, we pour this Power Water into the Hydrogen Water Generator (Lourdes Pot HS-71).

Overview of all H2 Water qualities

– cell regeneration and rejuvenation (reduces wrinkles and dry skin)
– alkaline: harmonises the alkaline-acid balance in the body (reverses the effects of nicotine, alcohol, meat,…)
– heightens the skin’s hydration capacity (6 times higher than in tap water, replacing the use of moisturizers)
– lubricates muscles and joints
– alleviation of headache and other ailments
– improves brain function
– regulates blood pressure
– deeply detoxifying : removes impurities at cell-level

Drop by for your dose of Power

30 minutes prior to the start of an activity (check our calendar)

We’ll pour you a glass, or you can have your bottles filled.

Important: bring glass (very important – PET bottles dissolve) or thick plastic bottles with you.

On a fair price base.