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Fair price

How it works

With the fair price we offer people the chance to be honest regarding money matters.

Therefore we don’t use fixed prices nor recommended prices. We just switch roles and invite you to put yourself in our shoes; the ones who cover all of the accomodation’s costs, and who guide the activities. What would feel fair to you if you would be offering this?

When paying a fixed price only the left brain hemisphere – where the logic and mathematic capacities reside – is involved. When you put yourself in someone else’s shoes, you’re being empathetic. And where does empathy reside? In the right brain hemisphere. So when you’re being empathetic when it comes to paying a price, you use both brain sides, creating balance – a very pleasant experience, which a fixed price can never provide!

We put great trust in your ability to express your appreciation through a fair donation – also realizing we put years of experience and much love and care into everything we offer. So a fair price doesn’t mean free or cheap, but first and above all honest.

Right from the start of the centre, 7,5 years ago, we have been successfully applying the fair price principle. Live Love Love Life operates independently – without any sponsorships or grants. We are an organisation that promotes spirituality, which also entails personal development andempowerment – definitely not to be confused with charity.

The fair price is such a unique principle that people from all over Europe come to see how we handlz this! Thanks to all generous donations from visitors and friends we’re able to keep on inspiring people all over the world.


Money is a magnificent and powerful tool. It can make you experience all emotions both the pleasant and unpleasant ones.

So far people associate money mainly with unpleasant emotions. We wish for you to also experience the pleasant emotions that money brings about. You can experience these pleasant emotions by learning how to share. Because when you share, you’re activating a flowing and natural energy stream. You’ll discover that the more you share, the more pleasant experiences you attract in your life, like abundance and connection.

Please be aware that when you have a taking and demanding attitude, your life will also reflect this back to you. You’re then sending out low vibrational energies hence you’ll attract low vibrational energies – manifested in all kinds of situations of lack, like a lack of energy, love, finances and time. 

By giving you the opportunity to decide on the amount of money you share with us, you become more aware of all emotions money can bring about. Paying a fixed price couldn’t give you this experience. What does this trigger within you? Lack, hunger for power, doubt, stinginess? Or do you also go for justice, trust and abundance out of the feeling of ‘plenty’?


Every donation makes it possible for us to continue to do what we do.

Would you like to support us a little extra? We welcome every donation on the following bank account nr IBAN BE19 9731 5794 2912 or just use the Donate-button below.

We can provide you with a certificate of donation should you wish so

Many thanks, the Live Love Team